Africa’s Resource Future
Africa’s Resource Future
- 12 septembre 2024
- Publié par : Theo23
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- Date de création 12 septembre 2024
- Dernière mise à jour 12 septembre 2024
Africa’s Resource Future
Africa Development Forum Series
The Africa Development Forum Series was created in 2009 to focus on
issues of significant relevance to Sub-Saharan Africa’s social and economic
development. Its aim is both to record the state of the art on a specific topic
and to contribute to ongoing local, regional, and global policy debates. It is
designed specifically to provide practitioners, scholars, and students with the
most up-to-date research results while highlighting the promise, challenges, and
opportunities that exist on the continent.
The series is sponsored by Agence française de développement and the
World Bank. The manuscripts chosen for publication represent the highest
quality in each institution and have been selected for their relevance to the
development agenda. Working together with a shared sense of mission and
interdisciplinary purpose, the two institutions are committed to a common
search for new insights and new ways of analyzing the development realities of
the Sub-Saharan Africa region.
Advisory Committee Members
Agence française de développement
Thomas Mélonio, Executive Director, Research and Knowledge Directorate
Hélène Djoufelkit, Director, Head of Economic Assessment and Public Policy
Sophie Chauvin, Head, Publications Division
World Bank
Andrew L. Dabalen, Chief Economist, Africa Region
Cesar Calderon, Lead Economist, Africa Region
Chorching Goh, Lead Economist, Africa Region